Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Email from Haiti Relief Team 01.27.10

Things are going well. Have the lay of the land now. Its difficult to do surgery, but tons of other important work to do. Yesterday, I was physical therapist for thirty patients and got to pray with each one, that was a huge blessing. Today we will go back to refugee camps to minister. Thanks for your prayers.

We had a good day today. Bob, Dimas, Al, Scott, and Richard went back - an adventure with flat tire, missed flight, and hopefully catch 7AM flight this morning. Randy, Heather and I remain and split up for the day.

Randy went to a plastic surgery clinic-turned field trauma clinic / OR. As it turned out, they had enough surgeons but needed help with the post-op patients. He went to every post-op patient and did physical therapy, getting them up walking and moving, which they hadn't done since their surgery, and prayed with every patient! One woman leg amputee he got crutches fitted and got up (to her surprise) and walked her out the tent and back. When they returned all the other patients clapped and gave her an ovation! Wow! As Randy put it, he was a physical therapist for a day, not what he expected, but definitely what God planned and used for His purposes more than if he were operating.

At the hospital I worked in the "ER" we saw a combination of injuries with wounds now infected, fractures and crush injuries with swelling but no fractures, but we also saw a lot of illness - strokes, pneumonia, hypertensive crises due to blood pressure meds lost in collapsed houses, etc. Also had a chance to go to an orphanage for a couple of hours with another doc, 2 nurses, the hospital administrator and a pastor. Wow! These kids were full of smiles, laughter and joy. They all wanted to be held, hugged, swung... After we looked them all over, I suggested to the team we pray for them, but when I turned around all the kids had formed up like a choir and they sang for us songs of praise to the Lord, then after several praise songs they all bowed their heads and prayed for us! What! And I thought we'd pray for them, but we were the ones blessed!

Anyway, great day, more to share but will try to fall back asleep for now.

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