Saturday, January 23, 2010

Email from Haiti Relief Team 01.21.10

We actually found it (referring to the House of Children of God orphanage)! I understand how no one had been there. We picked a guy up in the street who took us. The people were not desperate but were frustrated and out of water. Another aid group had checked them out this morning as result of CNN and FOX and was going to helicopter in some supplies for them.

As they were out of water we left them several jugs plus Enfamil which they had one of. We patched up one lady who had a badly infected wound on leg and supplied her with antibiotics which the very cool docs at hospital had given us for mobile triage.

A lady named Tonya Constantino from Utah who is their medical liaison spoke with us about their challenges. They have 133 kids there of which 100 have adoptive waiting parents in US Venezuela and Canada. However are struggling with red tape and can't get the kids out yet. We were able to help with water and Enfamil and a larger team is bringing tem full kit tonight.

Right now we are on our way from another camp in an area called Carrefour back to the Belgians with three sick kids and one of their parents. One of the kids has been sick for ten days fever etc. Two other babies urinating blood.

God bless these Belgians.

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